So is it just me or does anyone else hate cleaning???? I mean I spent all night last night rearranging my room. Moving my bed and some of my dressers around. Let me tell you mattresses are heavy as hell. I had to get my mom to help me move it and I was still like holy crap.... I though Gypsy was going to pop out of my body. LOL!!!! I also boxed up all of my stuff from school. Like all my yearbooks, nick nacks, and awards are all in that box. I was like wow. My room looks alot different....
Moving on.. Oh one last thing about that. I am the type that if I start something I can't take a break or stop until it is finished. I get serious ticked if I am interrupted in that momment. Is that crazy???
So, our house I'm sorry trailer is 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. OK so 1 of the rooms is a guestroom and it has a bed and a T.V. and you know just the regular stuff in a guestroom. Well my dad's cousin came to stay with us. No big deal. He smokes reds. Which is disgusting. I hate reds. I mean I don't mind smoke because I used to smoke when I would drink, but I have given it up. Anyways, he stayed with us for a good 6-9 months and would just basically live in the guestroom. So after he left I went in there to clean it up and when I opened the door I thought that I was bout to die. It smells so horrible in there. I mean my goodness. I left the window open for 2 days to let it air out and no it is still horrible. I can't go in there and clean cause the smell is so aweful.!!!!!! I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to how to get the smell out. I ran in and out of there this morning and grabed the linens off the bed and threw them in the washing machine. I also sprayed the mattresses and pillows with frebreeze. IDK!!!! But, I do know that if anyone else comes to stay if they don't pay the mortgage on the house then they ain't smokin in there, the reason I say that is because my mom smokes. But, you know she doesn't smoke alot and she smokes light and menthol. So they don't stink like reds do. But whatever and like I said she pays the mortgage so I really can't say much. But visitors yes I will be sayin something. NO more miss nice girl.
Well that's all I got for now... I really don't have much to say but I didn't get to blog yesterday...TATA
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tuesday BLAH BLAH BLAH.....
Well, the weather says that for the rest of the week it is going to be raining. How wonderful... And, thanks to everyone who answered my question. It was interesting seeing everyone's point of view on the subject. Well yesterday nothing of interest really happened. I am trying to teach Tank to fetch and that's not going so well seeing as when he brings the toy back to me the first thing he does is drops it then bites the holy crap out of my ankle. So, I am running for my ankles sake and he thinks that I'm playing. My dad get a crack out of it, cause as I'm running away I'm screaming. If I was on the outside looking in I guess I'd be laughing too. I made spaghetti squash for dinner and the funny part about that is Jess was making the same thing at her house. Well I guess that's it for now. Oh and the new True Blood poster:

Oh and Amazon just informed me that season 2 of Sons Of Anarchy is availiable for pre-order. Can't wait to buy it. Jax is super hot. Until Later TATA

Oh and Amazon just informed me that season 2 of Sons Of Anarchy is availiable for pre-order. Can't wait to buy it. Jax is super hot. Until Later TATA
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Begining
Well this weekend pretty much flew by. Feel like I blinked and it was gone. Saturday mosly just sat and laid around till I went over to Jess' house and we played some old school nintendo.. That was super mario fun. :) Then after that got ready to go out with some friends. Didn't end up getting home till about 4 then didn't go to bed until like 530. But, got to sleep until 1 so that was nice. Sunday got some much needed sun. Pressure washed the pontoon boat and all the life jackets. Hopefully we will be able to take it out this weekend. On the eating front I am doing much better. I finally got my mind back in the right state. We went to the Texas Roadhouse and I got the child's steak meal it was a 6oz. sirloin and mashed potatoes with gravy and a salad with ranch. I had like 3 bites of the salad and 2 of the mashed taters and not even half of the steak. So, that was good. Sunday I really didn't eat much I was too busy to even think about it.
So... got a funny story about the roadhouse. You know most people have quirks about when a waiter or waitress gets a tip. Like if I have to suck on ice with my drink yea no tip. Sorry if you can't keep my glass full you aren't doing a good job. Well we order our food and you usually get your salad first then your meal. So, the salad comes out and before any of us are even done putting the dressing on it our food comes out. And boy was one of my friends pissed that was her pet peeve and no tip for the waitress from her. Which brings me to my question of what is your no tip rule. What do they have to do or should I say not do to not get a tip???? Well until next time TATA
So... got a funny story about the roadhouse. You know most people have quirks about when a waiter or waitress gets a tip. Like if I have to suck on ice with my drink yea no tip. Sorry if you can't keep my glass full you aren't doing a good job. Well we order our food and you usually get your salad first then your meal. So, the salad comes out and before any of us are even done putting the dressing on it our food comes out. And boy was one of my friends pissed that was her pet peeve and no tip for the waitress from her. Which brings me to my question of what is your no tip rule. What do they have to do or should I say not do to not get a tip???? Well until next time TATA
Friday, April 23, 2010
Today, I have been nothing but BAD!!!! :( I have had count them now 3 pieces of cake. I know. I know. Terrible. Now they weren't big pieces but still. That is just really too much. I need someone to come through the computer and slapp me to knock me outta it. I have just got into this mental phase to where well if I'm not in the gym yet then I'll just eat whatever I want. I need to get out of that and just do what I am supposed to do. But, luckily Jess and I are going to sign up for the gym in town on the 1st. Until thin I will just have to suffer!!!! That's pretty much it for today. OH except the fact that Jess posted that picture of us in 3rd grade with my aweful short hair. My mother cut my hair like that when I was young because she didn't want to brush all the knots out of it. That pic is a blast from the past. LOl
1. Name a career you would NOT want to do and tell why.
OK this is the easiest question because I will tell you now. I would never do a job that requires you to mess with any kind of toilet or doody. NOPE won't happen... So gross....
2. What’s the best present you ever received for your birthday?
I don't know about the best, but me and Jess compete for who gets each other the best thing on her bday. Mine from her would have to be. She got us tickets to go see the BAD BOYS OF ROCK!!!! That was Revolution Theory, Buckcherry, PaPa Roach, and Hinder. They all were soooo awesome. Here are some pics. I was so close to PaPa Roach I just wanted to grab him.
Lead singer of Revolution Theory


PaPa Roach-he's all sleaved out!!! LOVE TATTOOS


3. This is from Amy W. (I had a request to copy her question and ask it today in BYOC) (Hope that’s okay Amy!)
What do you hide behind?
WOW this one is a hard one. Probably my humor. I like to make a joke of everything and that is my way of dealing with it all.
4. Where were you born?
5. A little twist on this one..usually we ask – what blog spoke to you the most, stuck with you, had the most effect on you this week? This week I’m adding to that which comment may have affected you greatly? Sometimes a blog can lead to amazing comments and they deserve their own claim to fame here in this question.
This time I would have to say Drazil... Totally agreeing with the Monday thing and Yea if the pants make you look good BEAUTY IS PAIN>!!HAHA. And comment would have to be.....Sandy Lee's comment on Jess' post about her and her Granny...
1. Name a career you would NOT want to do and tell why.
OK this is the easiest question because I will tell you now. I would never do a job that requires you to mess with any kind of toilet or doody. NOPE won't happen... So gross....
2. What’s the best present you ever received for your birthday?
I don't know about the best, but me and Jess compete for who gets each other the best thing on her bday. Mine from her would have to be. She got us tickets to go see the BAD BOYS OF ROCK!!!! That was Revolution Theory, Buckcherry, PaPa Roach, and Hinder. They all were soooo awesome. Here are some pics. I was so close to PaPa Roach I just wanted to grab him.
Lead singer of Revolution Theory

PaPa Roach-he's all sleaved out!!! LOVE TATTOOS

3. This is from Amy W. (I had a request to copy her question and ask it today in BYOC) (Hope that’s okay Amy!)
What do you hide behind?
WOW this one is a hard one. Probably my humor. I like to make a joke of everything and that is my way of dealing with it all.
4. Where were you born?
5. A little twist on this one..usually we ask – what blog spoke to you the most, stuck with you, had the most effect on you this week? This week I’m adding to that which comment may have affected you greatly? Sometimes a blog can lead to amazing comments and they deserve their own claim to fame here in this question.
This time I would have to say Drazil... Totally agreeing with the Monday thing and Yea if the pants make you look good BEAUTY IS PAIN>!!HAHA. And comment would have to be.....Sandy Lee's comment on Jess' post about her and her Granny...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The day after.....
So, yesterday went for my one month checkup and for a fill. It went splendid. I got a whole 1cc in my band and I am not sensitive to the fill. The new weight is 294.2 so yyyyyeeeeessss. Even though I gained 5 from the last time I weighed. The dr. said that I lost 12 since surgery so that was uplifting. Then it was really funny cause you know when you have to swallow that gritty stuff to see if it goes through the band. YEAH. I asked the nurse if these little thing in the picture were stiches and she was like ugh no... those would be your hooks in your bra. So I died laughing. hahahahaha!!!!! Then ofcourse I am starving to death and my stomach is eating itself. So, me and Jess stop at Baytown Seafood and get a bowl of gumbo and laddle out the broth. And, I just wanted to cry... But today Jess got me really excited and told me that today is day 2 of liquids and not day 1 so that was so good for me. And, finally last night I got to catch up on a few episodes of General Hospital. If anyone watches that are you feelin me when I'm sayin that I am tired of everyone ganging up on Sonny. Leave him alone.

Until later. TATA

Until later. TATA
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A Hurried Post....
So, I literrally only have about 2 minutes before I have to leave to go and get my fill. Wish me luck. Jess and I are both going today. I am so happy to be getting a fill because I know that I have little restriction and I don't want to mess up. However, this whole not eating until after you fill and then you can only have liquids for two days. Yea hate that with a passion. Thought I was never going to have to see liquids again. LIQUIDS ='s ANNOYANCE!!!!! But atleast it is for only 2 days. I think I can handle that. Oh and I got the blizzard from Dairy Queen last night the small one and I realized why I don't ever get them. Dairy Queen is maybe 10 minutes from my house adn the damn thing melted. Yes melted!!! It was good but I don't ever want one again. Well gotta go. TATA
Monday, April 19, 2010
Monday... Might be the worst day of the week!!!!!
I am soooo tired..... I hate waking up on Monday morning knowing I have to go to work. I want to wake up one weekday morning and know Nope I don't have to go to work today I am going to sleep in. So... time for the weekend recap
Friday night: Went to Ole Tyme Days(a like small carnival type deal in our small town) and for some weird reason I was so swollen. My ankles look like a can of bisquits exploded. And I just felt so aweful from feeling so swollen. It was strange. OK at the cook off we partied until midnight when they shut it down then we headed to Rowdy Bucks and shut that down. It was funnnnnn....
Saturday: Woke up and played with Tank. Got dressed and went and picked up the bestie Jess. We went to the festival and walked forever and a day. It was super hot and humid too. After we got done there we went home changed and went to a BBQ at a friends house. Jess and me left there about midnight.
Sunday: Went 4-wheelin with some friends. Got wet and really muddy. Had a mud fight and we fell in the lake. That was funny. Got a lil sun too. I need some cause I feel more white than milk.
Oh most important thing.... After riding muddy and all we stopped at Crawfish Shack. Thank goodness.... It was soooo delicious. I get a fill on Wednesday. Hopefully I get back to being only able to eat a little. I'm not being totally bad but bad enough. OK done now.
One last thing. Poster 4 for True Blood:
Friday night: Went to Ole Tyme Days(a like small carnival type deal in our small town) and for some weird reason I was so swollen. My ankles look like a can of bisquits exploded. And I just felt so aweful from feeling so swollen. It was strange. OK at the cook off we partied until midnight when they shut it down then we headed to Rowdy Bucks and shut that down. It was funnnnnn....
Saturday: Woke up and played with Tank. Got dressed and went and picked up the bestie Jess. We went to the festival and walked forever and a day. It was super hot and humid too. After we got done there we went home changed and went to a BBQ at a friends house. Jess and me left there about midnight.
Sunday: Went 4-wheelin with some friends. Got wet and really muddy. Had a mud fight and we fell in the lake. That was funny. Got a lil sun too. I need some cause I feel more white than milk.
Oh most important thing.... After riding muddy and all we stopped at Crawfish Shack. Thank goodness.... It was soooo delicious. I get a fill on Wednesday. Hopefully I get back to being only able to eat a little. I'm not being totally bad but bad enough. OK done now.
One last thing. Poster 4 for True Blood:

Friday, April 16, 2010
Last night was a blast we went to the crawfish shack and I got 2lbs. of crawfish and 1 potato. When I usually can get 5lbs. of crawfish and 2 potatoes and still be hungry. But that 2lbs really filled me up. It was awesome. Then we headed over to rowdy buck and I had a few amerretto sours. That was amazing.
The crawfish:

Delicious looking HUH!!!
O.K. moving on... So TMZ posted a little something that I thought was interesting. So, I am going to share it with you all.
Nic Cage Buys Pyramid -- To Be Dead In
Originally posted Apr 16th 2010 12:40 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
Nic Cage has purchased himself a fancy new pyramid to stay in -- but he doesn't plan on moving in .... until he's dead.

TMZ has learned Cage recently had a 9-foot tall pyramid-shaped super-tomb built in a New Orleans cemetery -- with the expectation that it will be his final resting place.
It's unclear why Cage chose a pyramid-shaped building -- but it's probably no coincidence that there happens to be a pyramid-shaped symbol on the poster for his classic film, "National Treasure."
Now the interesting thing is that we went on vacation to New Orleans in February and went to the cemetary and saw them building the site. So, we knew before TMZ did HA.

Edition 4 of B.Y.O.C.
1. If you ever won the lottery – what’s the very first thing you’d do?
I would definately have to say I would take care of my parents and make sure they were set for the rest of their lives.
2. What is your favorite curse word? (This one is from Joey)
So, I am with Drazil one this one. I love the "F" word. Just love the way it rolls off my tongue. I curse alot. I am a sailor. I try really hard not to curse in my blog though.
3. What is your favorite holiday and why?
It would have to be Christmas. My whole family and Jess and her husband come to the house and we are just together. It is awesome.
4. What turns you on? (another suggestion from Joey)
OK on this question it kinda made my cheeks a little pinkish. Drazil you dirtty minded lady. I like the way you think. I think it is a guy with big muscles like Vin Diesel. Love that knowing he could pick ya up and throw ya on the bed you know.
5. Whose blog spoke to you, stayed with you, meant the most to you, stands out to you this week and why?
So, this week it would have to be BOOBS. I have been thinking alot about it and trying to think in my head of any way me and Jess would be able to go. Still trying so cross your fingers.
Until later, TATA
The crawfish:

Delicious looking HUH!!!
O.K. moving on... So TMZ posted a little something that I thought was interesting. So, I am going to share it with you all.
Nic Cage Buys Pyramid -- To Be Dead In
Originally posted Apr 16th 2010 12:40 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
Nic Cage has purchased himself a fancy new pyramid to stay in -- but he doesn't plan on moving in .... until he's dead.

TMZ has learned Cage recently had a 9-foot tall pyramid-shaped super-tomb built in a New Orleans cemetery -- with the expectation that it will be his final resting place.
It's unclear why Cage chose a pyramid-shaped building -- but it's probably no coincidence that there happens to be a pyramid-shaped symbol on the poster for his classic film, "National Treasure."
Now the interesting thing is that we went on vacation to New Orleans in February and went to the cemetary and saw them building the site. So, we knew before TMZ did HA.
Edition 4 of B.Y.O.C.
1. If you ever won the lottery – what’s the very first thing you’d do?
I would definately have to say I would take care of my parents and make sure they were set for the rest of their lives.
2. What is your favorite curse word? (This one is from Joey)
So, I am with Drazil one this one. I love the "F" word. Just love the way it rolls off my tongue. I curse alot. I am a sailor. I try really hard not to curse in my blog though.
3. What is your favorite holiday and why?
It would have to be Christmas. My whole family and Jess and her husband come to the house and we are just together. It is awesome.
4. What turns you on? (another suggestion from Joey)
OK on this question it kinda made my cheeks a little pinkish. Drazil you dirtty minded lady. I like the way you think. I think it is a guy with big muscles like Vin Diesel. Love that knowing he could pick ya up and throw ya on the bed you know.
5. Whose blog spoke to you, stayed with you, meant the most to you, stands out to you this week and why?
So, this week it would have to be BOOBS. I have been thinking alot about it and trying to think in my head of any way me and Jess would be able to go. Still trying so cross your fingers.
Until later, TATA
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Shack
Last night made some fajitas with some beans and rice. So delish.! Tonight we are goign to the crawfish shack. So excited. I absolutly love crawfish. Now, no I don't suck the heads like most people. Sorry just eat the tails. I also wear gloves. My mother is always telling me my PawPaw will just laugh if he ever sees me doing that. Well I don't like my hands to smell of crawfish. I don't care if you wash them there is still a smell that remains. And, while you are off trying to get your hands clean; I can just rip the gloves off and be ready to go. So HA!! After that we are supposed to stop by Rowdy Bucks I want a amerretto sour. I know I'm going to be exahusted tomorrow at work from staying out so late, but it will sooo be worth it. Oh, for Carmen here is the pic of the cake. It is a little blurry sorry. 
So, now moving on.... I can't believe that the swelling in my stomach has decreased so much. I know that I could eat anything that I want to. I am trying so hard to stay good though. I only eat one cup, but like 20 minutes later literraly my stomach is growling like a frickin monster is in there. It is really painful. I am just hoping I can hold out and keep doing well until I get a fill. But it is hard. I really have to make myself go to my bedroom at like 8:30 so that I am away from the kitchen and any snacks that I might just shovel into my mouth if in eye range. And, I have been dreaming of food for the past 3 nights. That is really weird. Last night I dreamt about a kolache and a coke. When I woke up I really thought I drank a coke and was scarred that I was going to be hurting from the carbonation. Ok now that I have ranted a little. I will be closing now. Until Later TATA.
So, now moving on.... I can't believe that the swelling in my stomach has decreased so much. I know that I could eat anything that I want to. I am trying so hard to stay good though. I only eat one cup, but like 20 minutes later literraly my stomach is growling like a frickin monster is in there. It is really painful. I am just hoping I can hold out and keep doing well until I get a fill. But it is hard. I really have to make myself go to my bedroom at like 8:30 so that I am away from the kitchen and any snacks that I might just shovel into my mouth if in eye range. And, I have been dreaming of food for the past 3 nights. That is really weird. Last night I dreamt about a kolache and a coke. When I woke up I really thought I drank a coke and was scarred that I was going to be hurting from the carbonation. Ok now that I have ranted a little. I will be closing now. Until Later TATA.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
More pictures of the Muddin'
Wednesday=middle of the week and still not over yet!!!!
OK, I am sitting at my dest waiting on a confrence call to start. I have been waiting 5 minutes. Did I mention that I am impatient??? So, I figured that while I am waiting I would write a little. Last night I made steak and green beans for dinner it was delicious. I also made the red velvet cake. That was a task and let me tell you an excercise for your arm all that whisking. I though my arms were going to fall off. The cake part turned out really good. However, you are supposed to cook the icing and I started it and had to go outside to get Tank untied. He loves to run around stuff on his chain and get tangled up. So, while I was outside doing that the icing burnt. Thank goodness we had a tub of icing in the pantry already so I had to use that. It turned out all in all pretty good. I also decided I am not going to make the cornbread stuffed pork chops. It was just too much hassle. I settled on fajitas.
Now, back to Tank. After I get done with the whole cake situation I go outside to let him off the chain for a while. I notice that his toy is missing. I have to go on the hunt for the missing toy. Low and behold I find it at my brother's house next door and his little demon dog has done hid the toy. I'm trying to wrestle the dog for it and finally win. Victory is mine... or so I thought. I am walking back to my house as the demon is following me and trying to get the prize from me. It was a whole big ordeal. I'm just glad it is over.
Now, back to Tank. After I get done with the whole cake situation I go outside to let him off the chain for a while. I notice that his toy is missing. I have to go on the hunt for the missing toy. Low and behold I find it at my brother's house next door and his little demon dog has done hid the toy. I'm trying to wrestle the dog for it and finally win. Victory is mine... or so I thought. I am walking back to my house as the demon is following me and trying to get the prize from me. It was a whole big ordeal. I'm just glad it is over.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday Blues day!!!
Today is pretty much a blah day. I have decided to make cornbread stuffed prork chops for dinner tomorrow night but while I was looking at the recipe it called for sauce acadian. Now have any of you heard of such? Yeah, me neither. I asked my Aunt who has the cook book it is a Cajun cook book. The sauce is a mix of crawfish(the whole crawfish) and brandy and white butter roux. I was like yep going to skip that part of it. To lazy to make white butter roux that would take a while. I hope that it turns out good still. I'll let everyone know. And, if anyone was wondering yes I am cajun 1/2 to be exact, and part indian.I am also going to be bad and make a red velvet cake. I only want one bite. I'll bring the rest to work. Moving on.... It is so funny at work we got a new phone system and our extensions have all changed but our direct phone numbers have stayed the same. Well I didn't know that and I am texting everyone and letting them know my new number. Then I had to retell them that it was wrong and the old one was right. I was just confusing everyone and they were all texting me back to make up my mind. It was funny. Im just telling everyone this because I really have nothing to say. Oh, I almost forgot the third poster for True Blood:

Well, that's it for now. TATA

Well, that's it for now. TATA
Monday, April 12, 2010
So, Saturday we went muddin'. It was so much fun!!!! Except for trying to hold my shorts on cause they don't fit anymore. I'm just glad I didn't moon anyone cause my hiney's brighter than the sun. Hee Hee. I brought a lunchable to eat b/c everyone else was eating sandwiches. I couldn't believe that it filled me up. Back to the muddin'.... well Gypsy held up she didn't get bothered at all. I found my limit though on drinking. It was funny cause we were all riding and then we stopped by the lake and everyone got off and was talking in a group and I'm still sitting in the rhino cause I was like WoW. I gotta just sit here for a second lOL.
The girls. Cayla, Me, Ashley, Nikki.
Now my brother John. I rode with him. He's crazy!!
After we got done we were so muddy. I couldn't believe it. I was so ready to get home and take a shower. Sunday, I spent most of the day outside with Tank, while John pressure washed the rhino. These pics are from Friday after work.

Here he is taking it to get ready for Saturday.
You know I have also noticed a huge boost of energy and ability to do alot more now with the weight loosing and eating better food. I am so happy. Now last picture of myself goofing around with the camera.
Oh, one last thing... I made chilli last night and it didn't turn out good. So, I brought it to work for the friends and me to eat for lunch so HA! It isn't nasty it just didn't turn out the way I wanted it too. Until later TATA!
Now my brother John. I rode with him. He's crazy!!
After we got done we were so muddy. I couldn't believe it. I was so ready to get home and take a shower. Sunday, I spent most of the day outside with Tank, while John pressure washed the rhino. These pics are from Friday after work.
Here he is taking it to get ready for Saturday.
You know I have also noticed a huge boost of energy and ability to do alot more now with the weight loosing and eating better food. I am so happy. Now last picture of myself goofing around with the camera.
Oh, one last thing... I made chilli last night and it didn't turn out good. So, I brought it to work for the friends and me to eat for lunch so HA! It isn't nasty it just didn't turn out the way I wanted it too. Until later TATA!
Friday, April 9, 2010
FRIDAY FINALLY!!!!! *Hey Jess, is it Friday yet? HEE HEE*
So I really don't have alot to say today. Last night I made the breakfast pie and it looked scrumptous. Then Jess came over and she finally got on the band wagon and got herself a facebook. Yay for her. After that she fixed my horribly deformed eyebrows that I kept messing up. Thanks by the way. They look really good. Except for the fact that one goes farther out than the other, but that's not Jess fault they naturally grow like that. It isn't cool. I asked her to measure me to see what they are and I can't remember all of them, but I know that the total inches lost were a littled over 40 inches over my whole body. So yay for me. Standby for applause. :) That made me feel really good. Examine picture below for results:

And now for the qestions:BYOC
1. If you could have lunch with a famous person who would it be and what would you order?
This is really a hard one for me because I am a huge movie and tv person. I would die if there was no tv. OK, back to the question:
a girl: Would have to be Sarah Michelle Gellar (loved Buffy) and really like her.

a guy: So would have to be Jensen Ackles (Supernatural's the shit) He is so hot. That is what I am going after when I'm skinny and hot. LOL!

2. Where’s the furthest place you’ve traveled to?
It would be Arizona. I went there to visit my brother who is in the Air Force. He is now stationed in England but anyways back to the question. I stayed with him and my sis-n-law for like 3 months. It was such a difference than Texas. During the day it is hot as heck but a dry hot where as here it is a humid hot and your sweating alot. At night it is cold b/c of the desert weather. It was awesome being there though. We went floating down some river and that was so much fun b/c the water was cold while it was really hot outside. Love Love Love to be able to go back and do that again.
3. If you could describe yourself in 4 words – what would they be?
Funny, Loud, Picky, Loyal
4. What’s one interesting thing about you we don’t know?
I don't know if this is interesting but I have a habit that I have to eat my food in parts. Like if you have a steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. I have to eat all the steak, then the mashed potatoes, then the green beans. I know weird right. I even take my hamburgers apart, well when I used to eat them.
5. Finally – whose blog spoke to you, stuck with you, stayed in your mind, resonated with you – this week – and why?
I would really have to say Amy W. because Jess told me about her blog and to check it out. Well when I did she really did inspire me to start my own. And, that I might actually be able to do this seeing as she and I were about the same weight when she started. Her progress really got to me. I was like WOW. I just might be able to hang in there and accomplish something. I used to tell Jess all the time b/c she loves reading people's success stories and does all the time. I hated seeing other people succeed b/c I was jealous of them. Yes, the little green monster got to me. But, Amy W.'s blog really sunk in with me. Then, as I have been on here longer I have found many other people's blogs that have been nice reading too.
And now for the qestions:BYOC
1. If you could have lunch with a famous person who would it be and what would you order?
This is really a hard one for me because I am a huge movie and tv person. I would die if there was no tv. OK, back to the question:
a girl: Would have to be Sarah Michelle Gellar (loved Buffy) and really like her.

a guy: So would have to be Jensen Ackles (Supernatural's the shit) He is so hot. That is what I am going after when I'm skinny and hot. LOL!

2. Where’s the furthest place you’ve traveled to?
It would be Arizona. I went there to visit my brother who is in the Air Force. He is now stationed in England but anyways back to the question. I stayed with him and my sis-n-law for like 3 months. It was such a difference than Texas. During the day it is hot as heck but a dry hot where as here it is a humid hot and your sweating alot. At night it is cold b/c of the desert weather. It was awesome being there though. We went floating down some river and that was so much fun b/c the water was cold while it was really hot outside. Love Love Love to be able to go back and do that again.
3. If you could describe yourself in 4 words – what would they be?
Funny, Loud, Picky, Loyal
4. What’s one interesting thing about you we don’t know?
I don't know if this is interesting but I have a habit that I have to eat my food in parts. Like if you have a steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. I have to eat all the steak, then the mashed potatoes, then the green beans. I know weird right. I even take my hamburgers apart, well when I used to eat them.
5. Finally – whose blog spoke to you, stuck with you, stayed in your mind, resonated with you – this week – and why?
I would really have to say Amy W. because Jess told me about her blog and to check it out. Well when I did she really did inspire me to start my own. And, that I might actually be able to do this seeing as she and I were about the same weight when she started. Her progress really got to me. I was like WOW. I just might be able to hang in there and accomplish something. I used to tell Jess all the time b/c she loves reading people's success stories and does all the time. I hated seeing other people succeed b/c I was jealous of them. Yes, the little green monster got to me. But, Amy W.'s blog really sunk in with me. Then, as I have been on here longer I have found many other people's blogs that have been nice reading too.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
TEMPTATION ISLAND!!!! you have been voted off the ISLAND :(

OK today is going not so well. All that I have been thinking about and talking with co-workers about is Dairy Queen. It is aweful. Dip cones, blizzards, sundaes, dilly bars, waffle bowls or cones, DQ sandwhiches, buster bars, and banana splits. Any of it just any of it. I want it N O W!!!!! Look I mean I am resisting the temptation but it is all that really is on my mind. That's the problem it's like my mind and my stomach are in a war and who is going to come out victorious.
Now that I have had my mimi meltdown. I feel better. I have been doing really good lately. I have been eating only 1 cup of food for every meal like I am supposed to. For breakfast I have been eating a shake of black berries, strawberries, orange juice, and protein powder. It is really good but by lunch my stomach is growling so bad it hurts. For lunch I had a 1/2 a cup of steak and 1/2 a cup of salad with no lettuce which consisted of tomatoes and onions. I am trying to stay away from carbs as much as I can until I get a fill. And, tonight I have no clue what I am going to do for dinner, but I know that Jessica is going to come over and we are going to have a cocktail while I have to make breakfast pie for work tomorrow.
Breakfast Pie you as well it's like a quiche. I bet it is full of calories too, but it is sooo good. My mom usually makes it for the family for breakfast on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Usually I never get any either because by the time I wake up my brothers have done come over and devoured the entire thing. They know she is gonna make it and the show up at the butt crack of dawn. It is pretty funny but not. Anyhoo I will give everyone the recipe and maybe on a cheat day you can have it. I know I'm gonna have a piece tomorrow.:)
ok this is for a pie shell.
You will need:
1 pie shell
1lb. sausage(I use Jimmy Dean regular) but whatever kind you like.
4 eggs
1 cup of evaporated milk or regular milk whatever you want to use
1/2 cup frozen vegatbles (onions & bellpeppers) if you don't eat that you don't have to use it.
1 cup of cheese whatever kind you want to use
Cook sausage drain and cool
put into pie shell
mix cheese in with the sausage be careful not to cut the pie shell up
in a bowl blend the eggs milk and vegatables
pour over the sausage and cheese
Put it in the oven at 375 degrees for 45 minutes. If you want to double it you just double everthing and you can buy the pie shells that you can mold and put it all in one container a big rectangle pan. That is what I usually do for work. That's really all I have for now. Until later TATA
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I'm so tired today, I stayed up too late last night. At work yesterday everyone was bugging me to get on the scale because I told them I wasn't going to weigh until my doctor's appointment on the 21st. Well, they finally got me to do it and the number was.......289. So that is a total loss of 33 pounds. I'm so excited. Then I told them that I wasn't going to weigh again until going to the dr and that after that I wasn't going to weigh again until a week before the river trip. But, they were gripping. So, now I have to weigh every 2 weeks and Jess is going to see the number, but I don't want to know. Then she was asking me why and that it is weird that I don't want to know. I just want to keep doing what I'm suppossed to be doing and loosing. But, when I decide to look at the number I want it to be a suprise to me. I don't know if I am being weird, but that's the way I want to do it. We are also going to do our measurements soon hopefully because we did them before either one of us got the surgery done. It will be interesting to see what they are.
I also caught up on a few shows I DVR'd after being outside for most of the night playing with Tank. I watched 1 episode of Tori & Dean Home Sweet Hollywood. I didn't think I would get into that show but I did and I like it and I watched 1 episode of Kirstie Alley's Big Life. She is nuts but funny. And, the finale of Tool Academy. The couple I was rooting for to win did so that made me smile. So needless to say that is why I was up so late. I don't think I passed out until about 1:30.
Also, just wanted to get someone's opinion about something. Saturday me and a couple of friends are going 4-wheelin and I am kinda worried cause I don't want Gypsy to jiggle loose. What do ya'll think. Until later TATA
I also caught up on a few shows I DVR'd after being outside for most of the night playing with Tank. I watched 1 episode of Tori & Dean Home Sweet Hollywood. I didn't think I would get into that show but I did and I like it and I watched 1 episode of Kirstie Alley's Big Life. She is nuts but funny. And, the finale of Tool Academy. The couple I was rooting for to win did so that made me smile. So needless to say that is why I was up so late. I don't think I passed out until about 1:30.
Also, just wanted to get someone's opinion about something. Saturday me and a couple of friends are going 4-wheelin and I am kinda worried cause I don't want Gypsy to jiggle loose. What do ya'll think. Until later TATA
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
OK, so on Sunday my dad got a new puppy. He is soooo adorable. I just love him. He is half rot and half lab. We were trying to come up with a name for him and my dad suggested Bud or Buddy. Both names I didn't quit think fit him. Then my mom was like Sandy and I said heck no. I didn't want him to have a complex cause of a wimp name, because he is gonna be a big dog; so he needs a big name. I said Nanook(off of The Lost Boys) but ofcourse they said no. Then *TADA* I said TANK! And, at last the puppy has a name. Here he is:

And here he is with my niece Haylie and Tank. And, just a note he is only 6-7 weeks old.

Moving on! I went to Jessica's house last night and we made the spaghetti squash. I was shocked that it turned out actually good. We both were amazed that the squash really did look like noodles. Yes, we were skeptical! But it was sooo good. We even brought it for lunch today. Yum! Here are a couple of images of us making it. :)

Me making the noodles.

Jessica making the meat and sauce mixture.

The finished product!
Well that's all for now folks. TATA
And here he is with my niece Haylie and Tank. And, just a note he is only 6-7 weeks old.
Moving on! I went to Jessica's house last night and we made the spaghetti squash. I was shocked that it turned out actually good. We both were amazed that the squash really did look like noodles. Yes, we were skeptical! But it was sooo good. We even brought it for lunch today. Yum! Here are a couple of images of us making it. :)
Me making the noodles.
Jessica making the meat and sauce mixture.
The finished product!
Well that's all for now folks. TATA
Monday, April 5, 2010
This weekend went by too fast. I blinked and it was gone. Friday night went to Olive Garden it was awesome. I tested the waters and ordered a berry sangria. It was to die for. I did kinda start feeling a 1/3 of the way through. Then we sat down to dinner and I ordered the stuffed chicken marsala, and Gypsy kept me good I wasn't even able to eat a 1/2 of it. I took the rest home and gave it to my mom. Then we went to go see Why Did I Get Married Too? but it was sold out so we had to see The Bounty Hunter. It was really funny. Gerard Butler is sooo HOT!!!
Saturday was pretty much a bore. We bar-b-qued at the house and that was really good. Sunday my brother did the same thing and we went to his house for Easter. Watched the kids hunt easter eggs. That was funny they were running around trying to get the eggs before the others. I remember those days. I was really depressed at one point cause I am afraid to eat bread. I don't want to hurt Gypsy. Even to try it. I'm just hoping that the lap band gods keep me going good and I have the will power to do it the right way. Everyone was eating burgers and I have a chicken leg and some onion and tomato. So I was down. I got over it though.I have noticed lately that I am able to eat more than I did before. I mean I have only had it done 2 weeks and 5 days and have already started solid foods. Haven't had any problems with that thank goodness. I mean tonight me and Jessica are going to make that spaghetti squash tonight that everyone is talking about. Hopefully we like it. Until Later TATA.
Saturday was pretty much a bore. We bar-b-qued at the house and that was really good. Sunday my brother did the same thing and we went to his house for Easter. Watched the kids hunt easter eggs. That was funny they were running around trying to get the eggs before the others. I remember those days. I was really depressed at one point cause I am afraid to eat bread. I don't want to hurt Gypsy. Even to try it. I'm just hoping that the lap band gods keep me going good and I have the will power to do it the right way. Everyone was eating burgers and I have a chicken leg and some onion and tomato. So I was down. I got over it though.I have noticed lately that I am able to eat more than I did before. I mean I have only had it done 2 weeks and 5 days and have already started solid foods. Haven't had any problems with that thank goodness. I mean tonight me and Jessica are going to make that spaghetti squash tonight that everyone is talking about. Hopefully we like it. Until Later TATA.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Had to go to the doctor today for my tonsils. I hate them. Wish they would have been taken out when I was a child and got strep throat like 5 times a year, but noooo my doctor back then said that I would grow out of it. Ya, wish he could see me now. SO, at the doctor he asked about them and I was telling him that I have had this problem since January 1st. So he wrote me a script for a different kind of medicine. Hopefully it works. Then I asked him to refer me for the MRI I need to have on my liver for the lump that the doctor saw when he was placing the band. He said it looks like a fat deposit and that it would go away as I keep loosing weight, but that it is better to be safe then sorry. Then I had to get some blood work done and he did a strep test on my throat. That felt really crazy because they take two long q-tips and swab the back of your throat and it feels like they were boxing with my uvula. I didn't have it so that was good. Onward....
Tonight me and a couple of friends are going to dinner and a movie. We are going to Olive Garden (yummy:)) and then to see Why Did I Get Married Too? I can't wait I am going to get some mashed potatos and eat a little piece of a breadstick and maybe a couple bites of salad. Just depending on how I feel. Well until next time TATA!
Tonight me and a couple of friends are going to dinner and a movie. We are going to Olive Garden (yummy:)) and then to see Why Did I Get Married Too? I can't wait I am going to get some mashed potatos and eat a little piece of a breadstick and maybe a couple bites of salad. Just depending on how I feel. Well until next time TATA!

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